Monday, April 20, 2009


A MEMOIR OF MY TOUR OF DUTY IN VQ-1, THIS BROCURE WAS CREATED FOR A CHANGE OF COMMAND CEREMONY IN 1962. ONE C.O. (COMMANDING OFFICER) MOVES ON AND ADVANCES TO THE RANK OF CAPTAIN; THE NEW C.O. TAKES OVER COMMAND OF THE SQUADRON. THE PHOTO IS ONE OF A LOCKEED CONSTELLATION, fondly called Willy Victor; they are designated as WV in naval aircraft identification terms. The other type of aircraft employed by our squadron was the A3D Skywarriors, made by Douglas Aircraft Corporation. The squadron logo or patch hints not too subtly at the object or squadron mission. The missions of VQ squadrons pertained to all aspects of electronic warfare.

It was a great tour of duty. Because I had never flown on the Constellation when they were used by TWA for commercial use, my assignment to VQ-1 gave me the opportunity to fly on the Lockeed Constellation. Throughout my time in the Navy, one of the best flights I ever experienced was on a Constellation while I was on leave in the United States. The Connie flew from what was then Washington DC's Anacostia Naval Air Station to San Diego. It was a long and low altitude flight that afforded one continuous and glorious view of the continental United States beginning in Washington DC, continuing on down the east coast to Cherry Point MCAS and then onward west to San Diego. The flight included grand views of the midwest, some small southern Rocky areas and the Grand Canyon. A most memorable flight.

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