Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Japanese Man

Japanese Man
Originally uploaded by born1945
who among us is not guilty of some of the sins of war?

It is unfortunate that wars have created the destiny of mankind, all linked in some detail to the other, from the dawning of history until the present. It is as if we were players in a board game." Robert L. Huffstutter

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


"I have heard these hot dogs they sell here are really great," the blonde coed stated to the guy next to her waiting for his dog to be dressed up like he ordered. He smiled at her and asked her if she also liked burgers.

"Sure," she said, "cheeseburgers with the works." He looked at the menu above the cooks head and read all about the types of condiments applied to the beef patties. "You are one that goes in for the fancy things, aren't you?" he asked. She nodded. The two ate their sandwiches at the counter and said nothing more to each other.

About two weeks later, the couple met again, by chance, at the same hot dog stand.

"I have heard these hot dogs they sell here are really great," the blonde coed stated to the guy next to her waiting for his dog to be dressed up like he ordered. He smiled at her and asked her if she also liked burgers

"Are you suffering from an early stage of some kind of memory loss," she asked. He seemed confused. He looked at her with suspicion and said nothing. When his order was ready, he had the cook sack it. He tipped the cook two dollars and left the stand. The blonde watched him leave. She noted which alley he went down. She hurried after him, leaving her order still on the grill. When she saw him enter into a dark, long limo, she shot a photo of the license plate.

"Didn't think you were coming back," the cooks said. She smiled. "Those dollar bills he gave you?" she questioned. The cook appeared puzzleld. "Oh, the tip--he gave you two dollars, right?"

"Sure, sure," he said. "Okay," she said and handed him a ten dollar bill, "I'll trade you. You give me those two dollars he gave you and I will give you a ten, okay?"

"Okay," the cook said, happy he had a few extra dollars.